Trail Cam Update, Sparring Bucks, Rubs

Once again I’ve had trail cam problems. A few cameras checked out due to battery failure, so that’s not so bad, but I know I’ve easily missed hundreds of images. Another SD card is questionable. So most of my latest batch came from 2 cameras. One of the working cameras is a cheap Flash Moultrie I picked up at Cabela’s Bargain Cave a couple years ago, and it just keep chugging along.


We picked the last of the carrots and turned over the garden. It’s amazing these carrots did this well. They were never watered and the soil was like concrete when I harvested.

A pair of smaller bucks sparring.

A couple of these bucks just showed up recently. This nine with his head down showed up after gun season last year and has stuck around.

This buck, CrabKing, is unique. It’s difficult to say how many points he has, but 11 minimum.

Trophy Buck CrabKing

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