While visiting Mom in northern WI, three hours from Turtle Creek Outfitters, my dog Hudson, jumped a fawn near Mom’s pond. The fawn bed down in brush for several hours before showing itself along the pond edge again. We watched for three hours as the fawn, very slowly, walked back and forth along the pond edge, always staying in a fifty foot area. At times the fawn would not move a step for ten minutes. Twice it bed down, both times partially in the water.
You’ve heard that does leave their fawns after birth to keep scent away from them, right? Or that fawns have no scent, which I don’t believe, since so many bear and coyote prey on fawns. How would the predators find the fawns if they didn’t have some scent? Anyway, the doe was not with the fawn for 6-8 hours. Then, just as darkness set in, the doe appeared, reunited with the fawn, and off they went into the woods together.