The licking branch, the bulletin board, the communications center. Social media. Call it what you will, but the primary licking branch is one of the areas in the woods that are used year round, and one of the most important locations for a hunter to know.
I collected the following series of trail cam photos in 2015. In this collection the deer aren’t just working the licking branch, but they are mostly standing at the licking branch site. Spotted fawns, does and bucks all use these sites. The primary licking branch sites are used year round, other sites seem to be active only in autumn.
In select photos the single licking branch is visible, yet the bucks are standing tall, reaching high for the brush, far above the licking branch. Guess these bucks wish to leave their scent as high as possible, leaving a sign for other deer who’s the boss now.
I hope you enjoy this collection of trail cam photos. Just another look into life in the woods.
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