Weather Proof Deer Stands | TCO

We’ve replaced a few of our smaller, well worn deer stands. These new 360˙deer stands are 6′ tall and 6′ across. There is plenty of room for multiple hunters, rifle or archery. Archery hunters probably prefer a tree, however, if the wind is howling like a jet, or the rain is dripping down your neck, then these stands offer a great alternative, keeping you safe and dry. The stands are shown here with the windows open.

These stands are perfect for a father/son tandem, or photographer/hunter, two friends, whatever works. The older I get, the more I enjoy scouting or filming for another hunter.

Many of you know how difficult it is to keep tract of the constantly moving deer activity. It takes intense concentration observing deer and other wildlife when you’re watching 40 or more acres. Swing left to right once, return, and the scene has changed drastically, more deer in, more deer out. That’s why an extra observer in the stand works out nicely.

Thanks to Tony, Ryan and Braden (Little Big Man on the tractor) for building the platforms. Braden is 11 now, and not just a helper, he’s part of the crew.

For seats we currently have a variety of styles, from swivel boat seats, to folding chairs to 5 gallon buckets with a swivel top. Let me know if you have any seat suggestions out there.

Email: or call 612-520-1711. Thanks! Don


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